SSR- Student Social Responsibility Project

27th August 2011-5th November 2011 by S5 EEE-B


We were grouped into teams by our faculty. Frequent scrutinization
motivated us to choose a relevant topic. Discussions were conducted
and tasks  were divided. Great individual initiation was our strength.
Doubts about the consequences of our campaign was our weakness.
In order to reach out to the youngsters, we chose Facebook, the
widely used social networking site and formed a group where we 
posted and shared information regarding the ill-effects of tobacco
At the campus level, we decided to study the smoking statistics
among our juniors. We also sought professional help from 
Dr Mahesh Kund, Psychiatrist, Amrita School of Ayurveda and 
Prof. Murali Vallabhan regarding the same. Posters are another
effective means to convey our  theme  and  exhibiting them was
another phase of our project.